Friday, August 18, 2006

mozambique travels!


i have returned from my travels into deepest darkest africa. which is not that deep. nor that dark. in fact, it's quite magical. did maputo, inhambane, barra beach and tofo. pictures forthcoming (a couple are shown below for the meantime).

if anyone is interested in traveling to mozambique, i can put you in touch with some cool people (as well as tell you about cool places to go): please everyone, they need as much tourism as possible, and the trip will be amazing. really. mozambique. the roads are generally better than SA's, the people great, the infrastructure fine, the preponderance of seafood kicks ass, and there's nothing quite like palm tree forests P:.

it really isn't the war-torn mess most people say it is. furthermore, everyone should try the joy of a tipo tinto (the local rum) and sparletta strawberry while chilling at a bar ON the beach with almost nothing around you. can't get goodness like this anywhere else!

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